Publisher's Forum

The place for open discussion of any and all issues affecting publishers.

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Publisher’s Forum was started in 1997, in response to a need for an uncensored venue where publishers could discuss issues of importance to them and their industry. Michael Fraase was the first “official” list administrator (having built on the foundation of an “outlaw” list started by Eric Anderson) and established many of the principles by which we still live today. In 1999, Michael handed over the administration of the list to Alan Canton, Shel Horowitz, Mayapriya Long, and Michael Thompson. Michael Thompson continues to operate Publisher’s Forum for the benefit of all publishers with the help of List-Moms Pat Bell, Andrew Reinbach, and Nicholas Weir-Williams.

For general guidelines on the “list culture” of Pub-Forum, click the “Guidelines” button above. To find out how to subscribe, unsubscribe, access the archives, etc., use the “Mechanics” button. For information on the List-Moms, who administer (but do not “own” or “moderate”) Pub-Forum, click the “List-Moms” button, and if you want to contribute financially to the upkeep of the forum, click the “Contribute” button.

Finally, click here to see photos of Pub-Forum members, contributed by Alan Canton.

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